University administrators:
Want to give your students the gift of career confidence?
Purchase or subsidize videoBIO Practice accounts for your students, or license the videoBIO Campus platform for use by your students for career services, Co-op and student success. Learn more.

videoBIO Recruiter software is used by universities and colleges worldwide for supporting students in getting hired.

Multiple package options to support your students in their practice and preparation.
Practice for students only with automated results
Students can practice on their own accessing multiple interview templates and interview formats and receive automated AI results. Practice includes video tutorials and training content.
Practice + Career Marketing tools
Add in career marketing support including Ask a Question chatbot, Resume assess, LinkedIn assess, Career finder and access to live jobs.
Practice with co-op and coach accounts
Add Coach and Co-op manager accounts for working with students directly in preparing them for Internships and Co-op interviews and marketing students to Employers.