Over 84% of job seekers admit to not preparing for the interview.
The videoBIO Practice platform and its career marketing tools are used by Universities and Colleges worldwide to prepare students for interviews and improve their chance of getting hired. Now you can access it for individual practice and preparation.

videoBIO Recruiter software is used by millions of candidates worldwide in the employer hiring process.

Access the widest range of interview practice features and increase your chance of getting hired.
Practice on a range of interview question types and formats preparing you for timed interviews and tricky interview questions.
Get automated results
Get automated results within minutes from the AI algorithm currently in use by employers.
Video training
Watch video tutorials with important skills training and tips including how to effectively answer questions with competency-based language.
Video apply
Update your resume with a video application visual, clickable thumbnail or share your video intro page directly with a link.

Give yourself the confidence to get hired.
Would you consider not studying for your final exams? A job interview is just as important, if not more. You need to prepare and practice if you want to succeed. This is a competitive environment and you want to stand out and shine.